Student Support

The UFT’s free homework help hotline, Dial-A-Teacher, is open!

Students and their parents or caregivers are invited to call 212-777-3380 or 

visit the Dial-A-Teacher website (

Mondays through Thursdays between 4 and 7 p.m. to get free homework help from a licensed teacher.

Many of the teachers are bilingual, so Dial-A-Teacher can assist students and families in 10 languages, including Armenian, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, Haitian-Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Tagalog.

Reset DOE / NYCSTUDENTS.NET password & using DOE email

Enter your OSIS ID # (you can get this from your ID card, pupilpath, or report card) and birthday through this link.

Your password needs to contain both capital & lowercase letters, in addition to a number. 

It must be at least 8 characters long. 

What if my DOE computer or iPad isn’t working?