Extracurricular Opportunities
Our school believes that extracurricular involvement helps foster well-rounded graduates. We offer several opportunities for involvement outside of the classroom:
Current After School Activities through Beacon 265
BAM Internships
Brooklyn Navy Yard internship and job placement
Champs MS Program: Sports & Arts
College Tours
College Now: CUNY (dual enrollment in High School and College)
Girl Be Heard
Goodwill Beacon 265- offering an assortment of tutoring opportunities, job placement, regents prep and organized sports leagues
McKinney Steppers
National Honors Society
Open Closet: Gender Sexuality Alliance
Parsons Scholars Program
Pratt Young Scholars
PSAL: Basketball, Badminton, Cross Country, Double Dutch, Stunt, Cheerleading (see Athletics page)
12th grade Committee
ROYALS Council- in charge of events, grade level and school wide issues, daily announcements, calendar
Teen Apprentice Program through Studio Institute
Yearbook Design
Youth Leadership Program (in collaboration with the 88th Precinct)